Taxes are the unpleasant byproduct of having earnings. However, the amount of tax you pay can be positively impacted by proper planning and knowledge of Tax Regulations. The Tax Regulations that may be applicable to you include:


  • Income - Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
  • Payroll - FICA employer portion (and employee withholdings for FICA, medicare, federal and state income tax)
  • Payments (1099's)


  • Income (based on the state the company has facilities, where products or services are provided, and where employees are located)
  • Sales and Use - significantly impacted recently by the Wayfair case
  • Excise
  • Real Estate

and then there's the possibility of local taxes also!

We are experienced and take continuing education training to provide tax planning and preparation services. We are also appreciative of the complex nature therein. If we identify such a situation, we are partnered with full-time tax professionals and will coordinate with you accordingly (letting us continue to excel in serving you).
