Interim Resource



It happens, for many reasons as exampled below … let us help. We can provide experience and real time resources catered to your needs. Please refer to our bios for a summary and call us to discuss your need and our potential assistance. We are uniquely experienced in  accounting, controller/CFO, and internal audit positions.

Growing Pains

Your business is growing and you realize you need more resources but it's not yet at that "full time person" level. We can bridge that period till you are ready to hire.

Employee Departure

Unfortunately, employees that leave do rarely factor in and accommodate a transition period with their replacement. We can bridge that period till you find a new employee, and accommodate a transition period of your choosing to provide a smooth and stress reduced environment for the new hire and others in your business.

Peak Activity

If your business has a peak season or event, an additional experienced resource can reduce the stress on your permanent employees during those times.

Unusual Event or Transaction

When something occurs that will not become a regular event in your business, let us help you. It might included, but is not limited to,  accounting for a purchase/sale, completing a new financing, developing a new report, or implementing/converting to new software.